
The Fragment

  • 2021
  • Mixed Media—polymer clay, wood, and wire
  • Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2022 Finalist

Within the facets of memory, lies a storage of scenes repressed out of fear, shame, and guilt—bleeding into thoughts with stories begging to be acknowledged. These are the fragments of myself that I longed to forget. Gaining the courage to turn around and meet them, hear them, and mourn the loss of who I was—breathes life into my spirit. The fragments are no longer viewed with malice and disgust—but with acceptance. Accepting myself as I was, and shaping my new perspective out of peace.

Memories, once haunting, now given a safe place to rest inside of me—a place which was always rightfully theirs—home.

My work, The Fragment, a self-portrait, reflects this psycho-spiritual quality of my mental health journey—depicting the vulnerable, yet empowering nature of healing as I embrace the past. Acceptance is depicted not only through the act of an embrace—but also through color—where part of me, once pale from denial, now glows.